

Malowniczy krajobraz z wyspami dzikiej przyrody.

Teplice Rocks

Teplice Rocks

The loop through the Teplice Rocks is blue-marked and about 6 km long. The loop is provided with seventeen information panels along the natural trail. The panels are regularly arranged

Adršpach Rocks

Adršpach Rocks

Adšpach Rocks The loop through the Adršpach Rocks is approx. 4 km long. It begins at the entrance near the Lake which is a remnant of a former sandpit. The green-marked loop then



A lonely butte (table mountain) located between the towns of Teplice nad Metují and Police nad Metují. The elevation of the mountain is 700 metres and it is bordered with

Broumov Walls

Broumov Walls

The national nature reserve of Broumov Walls contains many magical places well worth a visit at any time of the year. The walls rise towards the southwest from the valley of

Památné stromy

Památné stromy

Památné stromy jsou mimořádně významné stromy, jejich skupiny nebo stromořadí, zpravidla neobyčejného vzrůstu a vysokého věku, které rostou v obcích, městech i ve volné krajině. Památné

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