
Broumov Group of Churches

Broumovská skupina kostelů

Broumov Group of Baroque Churches

Objevte barokní skvosty Broumovska. Skupina barokních kostelů z 18. století od architektů Kryštofa a Kiliána Ignáce Dientzenhoferových je po právu označována za barokní perly regionu. Každý kostel je architektonickým skvostem. Iniciátorem výstavby byl opat Otmar Zinke. Díky jeho snažení vznikly v krajině i drobné sakrální památky - křížky, plastiky, sošky a křížové cesty. Broumovská krajina s působivě zakomponovanými chrámy vás uchvátí svým neopakovatelným Geniem loci. Broumovská skupina kostelů je od roku 2022 národní kulturní památkou.

letní festival v broumovských kostelích Za poklady Broumovska - pravidelné sobotní koncerty 
+ ideální jako cyklovýlet 

Šonov 2
Vernéřovice 2
Kostel sv. Marie Magdaleny v Božanově
Vižňov 2

Discover the Baroque treasures of the Broumov region. The group of 18th-century Baroque churches designed by the architects Christoph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer are rightly thought of as the Baroque gems of the region. Each church is a beautiful work of architecture. They were built at the instigation of Abbot Otmar Zinke. It was through his efforts that small sacred monuments - crosses, sculptures, statues and Stations of the Cross – are now dotted around the landscape. The Broumov countryside with its impressive churches has its own unique genius loci. The Broumov group of churches has been a national cultural monument since 2022. 


The churches making up the "Broumov group" were built within the monastery estate according to plans drawn up by Christoph Dientzenhofer and his son Kilian Ignaz in the early 18th century. There is no doubt they can be rightly regarded as the Baroque gems of the region, and each church is a fine piece of architecture. They were built to replace the network of wooden churches, which was already proving inadequate. 

All the churches were built in a relatively short space of time, between 1709 and 1743. The construction of the churches was instigated by Abbot Otmar Zinke, the head of the Břevnov-Broumov Benedictine Abbey. It was down to his efforts that, besides these Baroque churches, small sacral monuments were also built around the region - stone crosses, sculptures, statues, Stations of the Cross, etc. 


Broumov group of churches 

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