
Church of St. Markéta

Kostel sv. Markéty, Šonov

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Church of St. Markéta in Šonov

As early as the 14th century, a wooden church of St. John the Evangelist stood in the centre of the village, on the site of which a neo-Gothic chapel of the Virgin Mary was later built. Today's St. Margaret's Church stands alone on a hill west of Šonov. Its construction began in 1726 and was probably completed four years later. Here too, the authorship is attributed to Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer.
The church is interestingly oriented with a gable wall with towers towards the Broumov monastery, which can be seen from here. The basis of the church's plan is an elongated octagon, with additional spaces on the six shorter sides forming the two ends. At the entrance front a pair of prismatic towers with a widely splayed entrance block between them, and at the end two sacristies with a chancel in the middle. The building has a total of six entrances, three of which lead to the church vestibule and three to the nave. Originally the church had a total of four bells, but most were requisitioned during the First World War. In 1927, three bells were newly acquired by the Broumov belfry workshop of Octav Winter. However, all but one of these were confiscated during the Second World War and the bell that remained was later moved to the tower of the monastery church in Broumov. The interior of the Šonov church was extensively damaged and looted. Nevertheless, services are already being held here again.
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