
Church of St.Václav

Kostel sv. Václava v Broumově

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Church of St. Václav in Broumov

A wooden church of the Broumov Protestants stood on the site of today's St. Wenceslas (Václav) Church from the beginning of the 17th century. After it was severely damaged by fire during the Thirty Years' War and subsequently demolished, Abbot Sartorius had a chapel built in honour of St. Wenceslas on the same site. However, it too was destroyed in another great fire in 1684.
Abbot Zinke decided to build a new church and entrusted its construction to Kilian Ignatius Dientzenhofer. St. Wenceslas Church was completed in 1729. However, the interior decoration was not finished until the time of Abbot Benno Löbl in 1784. The church has the plan of an elongated Greek cross - the rectangular chancel is connected to the semicircular apse.
In the early 1950s the church was closed and used as a warehouse. It was repaired in the 1990s and re-consecrated in 1995, on the feast of St Wenceslas. Today it is once again serving its original purpose.
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