
Museum of the Broumov Region

Muzeum Broumovska

Web: muzeum.broumovsko.cz/
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Parkování Parkování

Museum of the Broumov Region in Broumov

The Museum of the Broumov Region was founded in 1945 as a regional history centre of the former Broumov district. The first permanent exhibition on the history of the town and the region was opened in 1948. The museum has been located on the first floor of the Abbey wing of the monastery since 1980. As it is situated in the centre of town, it is easy to get to and should not be missed. 

Owing to the great cultural diversity of the Broumov region, the museum boasts an excellent collection. This includes an outstanding selection of Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque objects d'art, examples of weapons, Nativity scenes, shooting targets, costumes from the Broumov region, and folk and burgher culture of the 19th century ... all this displayed in six halls in the former representative part of the prelature with its lavish fresco décor; part of the exhibition is also located in the monumental "Stone Hall". 

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