
Broumov Basin

Broumovská kotlina

Broumov Basin

The Broumov Basin lies between the border region of the Javoří Mountains and the distinctive ridge of the Broumovské stěny rock walls. It slopes very steeply down into the basin, with an elevation of over 300 metres. This altitude difference means the easily accessible summits of the ridge offer outstanding views far and wide. 

The centre is the town of Broumov, which forms the starting point for most of the hiking routes connecting the villages. 

One thing that makes the Broumov Basin special is the difference in climate. Fronts often form on the ridge of Broumovské stěny, resulting in inversions, meaning that while the Broumov Basin is shrouded in fog, the sun is shining on the ridges of the Broumovské stěny rock walls and the Javoří Mountains. 

The landscape of the Broumov Basin is characterised by avenues of trees along the roads, which are at their most beautiful during spring and autumn. 

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