
Jiráskovy Skály rocks - Bischofstein

Jiráskovy skály - Bischofstein

  • jihovýchodní část NPR Adršpašsko-teplické skály
  • zřícenina skalního hradu Skály
  • rašelinové Černé jezírko

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Jiráskovy Skály rocks - Bischofstein

The ruins of the Gothic castle of Skály lie in the heart of the Jiráskovy Skály rocks. Clamber up to the top of its sandstone cliff and enjoy the views far and wide. The black lagoon adds to the romantic feel of the place, while the nearby Bischofstein Chateau with its restaurant is an ideal spot for a bite to eat. You’ll also be rewarded with some spectacular views after climbing up to the lookout tower on the opposite Čáp hill (786 m above sea level), from where you’ll have the Adršpach-Teplice rocks as through in the palm of your hand.  
+ the ideal combination for sightseers and nature lovers  
+ the lookout tower on Čap offers stunning panoramic views beyond the Broumov region 
+ refreshments and a restaurant  
+ ideal for families with children 

You can drive to the village of Skály. However, there are also cycling routes connecting Teplice, Adršpach and Police nad Metují, as well as a number of circular walking routes that can be connected by train. For example, take a walk from Teplice nad Metují through Teplice Rocks to Čáp and then via Bischofstein to Dědov (by train) and back to Teplice. 

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