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The Bohumír Copper Mine is a good place to visit throughout the year, whatever the weather. When it’s hot, you can cool off in the mine tunnel, and can take shelter from the rain and snow.
The mine dates back to the mid-19th century and copper ore was mined intermittently until 1965, when the last miners left the tunnels. The mine was then closed for a long time until, 50 years later, it reopened its doors to the public in 2015, this time as an extraordinary technical heritage site.
The underground route, which runs for more than 300 metres, shows a well-preserved mine face, mock-ups of miners at work, a machine room and more.
The overall experience is enhanced by the protective equipment that everyone is given at the beginning of the tour. A helmet with a torch and a coat.
A gallery of old photographs and period objects is also open to visitors.
Come along for a visit, show the children what this vanishing manly profession was like, and remind them of how hard the miners had to work.