
Railway station in Meziměstí

Vlakové nádraží v Meziměstí

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Railway station in Meziměstí

The railway station in Meziměstí is an important historical building in technical terms. The Meziměstí railway station (line 026) was built in connection with the construction of the railway line running between Choceň - Meziměstí – the state border and Meziměstí - Broumov – the state border at Otovice in 1875. 

It was designed as a border crossing station between what was then Austria and Prussia. This is reflected in the size of the building, designed to house two customs offices as well as passenger waiting rooms. The complex also included the headquarters of the Prussian transport authority. Since the line was first opened through to the present day, steam, electric, diesel-electric and motor locomotives and engines have run on the tracks in front of the north-facing platform

From passenger trains, international express trains, Prague and Cheb long-distance express trains, through to freight trains hauling coal, cars, substrates, and the like. From the Mieroszowki junction towards Poland to the Broumov junction, the station is more than 2 km long. The station track is triangular and has a depot in the middle. Nowadays, the central part of the building is also used as a theatre and a gym. Also visible from the platform is the local chateau, originally the summer residence of the Broumov abbots of the Benedictine monastery. The chateau is not open to the public – it is privately owned, but Tourist Stamps are available bearing this symbol.  

Meziměstí is a good starting point for outings to the Adršpach-Teplice Rocks and Broumovské stěny Rocks, as well as for trips to the Javoří Mountains and the lookout tower on Ruprechtický Špičák, 880 m above sea level, and also the border regions in Poland. 

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